ACECTF Championship - Rules

ACECTF Championship


  • This is a Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag (CTF) competition where participants will compete in teams comprising 1 to 4 players.
  • Flags must follow the format: ACECTF{some_string}.
  • Valid characters for flags: 4bcd3f6h1jklmn0pqr57uvwxyz and underscores (_) instead of spaces.
  • Challenge categories include Web, Pwn, OSINT, Stego, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Miscellaneous, and Forensics.
  • Collaboration or flag sharing is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized attacks on systems outside of challenge scope are strictly prohibited.
  • Brute-forcing is allowed only where explicitly stated in the challenge.
  • If the flag is correct but not accepted by the system, immediately contact the organizers.
  • Any system errors or bugs should be reported to the staff as soon as identified.
  • All participants must join the official Discord server for event updates and support.
  • Winning teams must submit write-ups within 3 hours after the CTF ends. Failure to do so will result in the next ranked participants being declared the winner if they submit the write-ups.

For real-time updates, support, and announcements, please join our official Discord Server.

Prizes Coming Soon!!

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